Friday, August 8, 2014

Willow Road Construction

August 8-22, 2014

  • Detour - Sunset Ridge Intersection. The south leg of the Sunset Ridge Road intersection is expected to re-open on August 15. Click here for the detour route
  • Waukegan Road. The pavement on the south side of the intersection is complete and they are now working on curb and gutter, sidewalk, and landscape restoration.
  • Waukegan to Sunset Ridge. The remaining curb and gutter, electrical and sidewalk work is expected to be completed followed landscape restoration.
  • Sunset Ridge to Chapel Hill. The earthwork and subgrade installation is underway. Pavement installation is expected to begin around August 15th.
  • Chapel Hill to the River. The final grading and seeding are being completed on Phase I. Traffic is expected to be shifted to the north side of the right of way and the Phase II (south side) operations started around August 18th. A special notice will be posted when a traffic adjustment date is announced.
  • Bridge. The contractor is finishing the parapet, pilasters, roadway approach, and pedestrian railing system. After the 7 day curing period, the bridge will also be changed over to Phase II operations.
  • River to the Edens. The final electrical work is underway and will be followed by the installation of the brick paver sidewalks and landscaping. As soon as the bridge is ready, the downtown area will also be changed over to Phase II operations.
  • Edens. Final trim and grading operations are underway. Pavement installation is expected to begin on August 18th.

The detailed construction work and traffic conditions can be tracked at ; through Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project; or through Twitter at @willowroadcp. As always, actual start dates and activities may change due to weather or other conflicts. #willowroadcp