Friday, March 28, 2014

Wagner Road Detour – March 28

Late this afternoon, the northern leg of the intersection of Willow Road and Wagner will be closed. The closer is needed to facilitate the relocation and installation of utilities. The construction crews will work longer hours and on the weekends to get the intersection re-opened by April 7. Local traffic will be detoured to the Old Willow/Northfield Road intersection.

Click here to see the detour route

During the detour period the Village will closely monitor the Northfield Road intersection, and will request that IDOT make adjustments to the signal timing, if needed, to minimize traffic backups; provide special Police patrols to reduce speeding and cut through traffic; and ensure that emergency responses routes are maintained to all part of the community for police, fire and ambulance access.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Happ Road Closure

Happ Road between Old Willow and Southgate will be closed today to facilitate an ongoing Police investigation. The closure points will be staffed with a Police Officer and local residents will be able to access their homes. No through traffic will be permitted.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Wagner Road Detour Notice

On Friday, March 28, IDOT will be closing the northern intersection of Willow Road and Wagner, by Middlefork School.  The intersection will be closed to allow for the relocation and installation of utilities and will remain closed for one week.  The construction crews will start, after the close of school, on Friday, March 28.  They will work longer hours and on the weekends to try to get the intersection re-opened before school resumes after spring break.  Local traffic is being detoured to the Old Willow/Northfield Road intersection.        

Click here to see the detour route

During the detour period the Village will:

  • closely monitor the Northfield  Road intersection, and will request that IDOT make adjustments to the signal timing, if needed, to minimize traffic backups;
  •  continue to provide special Police patrols on the local streets to reduce speeding and cut through traffic; and,
  • continue to ensure that emergency responses routes are maintained to all part of the community for police, fire and ambulance access.  


 Detailed construction work and current traffic conditions can be tracked at ; through Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project; or through Twitter at @willowroadcp.   Please note that the actual start dates and activities may change due to weather or other conflicts.   #willowroadcp 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Traffic Alert

NICOR has notified us that they will be having lane closures and flagging operations in place on IL 43 (Waukegan Road) near Willow Road from 9:00 to 3:00 today. They will be undertaking pothole work for their existing utilities in order to complete their directional bore under the roadway. They expect to complete the work in one day but have indicated it may take two depending on how deep the existing facilities are. There will be impacts and delays to both the north and south bound traffic lanes at times. Motorist should anticipate traffic delays and avoid the area if possible.