Wednesday, August 28, 2013

IDOT Suspends Non-Emergency Road Work to Improve Traffic Flow for Labor Day Weekend

SPRINGFIELD – With thousands of motorists expected to travel on state roadways over the Labor Day holiday weekend, the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) announced today that non-emergency roadwork will be suspended where possible to reduce congestion and improve traffic flow. IDOT is also providing advance notice of lane closures that will be in place for the holiday week to aid motorists’ travel plans and boost safety.

“Labor Day weekend is the traditionally the last weekend of summer travel for motorists and we want to help ensure it’s a safe one,” said Illinois Transportation Secretary Ann L. Schneider. “All non-emergency road work, wherever possible, will be suspended during the Labor Day weekend to allow Illinois families and visitors traveling on our roadways a smooth ride with reduced roadway congestion and improved safety.”

Starting at 3 p.m. Friday, August 30, IDOT will suspend all non-emergency roadwork for the holiday week and open up all lanes where possible through midnight Monday, September 2. Some construction zones will have lane closures in effect, depending on the projects.

IDOT is urging motorists to slow down, obey posted speed limits and drive with caution through work zones. Holiday travelers are reminded that work zone speed limits are still in effect wherever they are posted, even where no construction workers are present. For more information on road closures, visit

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Traffic Change Alert

The contractor is in the process of changing the traffic patterns along the Willow Road corridor from Bristol Street to the Eden’s Expressway. The east and west bound traffic lanes are being be shifted to the south side of the right of way to allow the Phase I construction operations to proceed. As part of this, Bristol Street will be re-opened opened to motorists. While the changeover is taking place, additional traffic delays are anticipated.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

What’s New for Willow Road?

For August 26 to September 6 At the August 21, 2013 Willow Road coordination meeting, IDOT and Lorig Construction provided their proposed schedule for the upcoming weeks.

  • Northfield schools open on August 28! Motorists are reminded to take extra care and watch for children walking and biking along the construction corridor and on the local roadways. 
  • The pre-stage work and temporary pavement near Bristol Street and the bridge are expected to be completed early next week. As soon that work is done, traffic will be adjusted and motorists shifted to the south side of the right of way from Bristol Street to the Eden’s Expressway. The project will then be in full Phase I operations and the detour at Bristol Street removed. 
  • West of Sunset Ridge Road and on Waukegan Road, the contractor will be continuing the installation of drainage and permanent paving. They will then start on the installation of curbs, gutters, and electrical pole foundations. The lane closures and traffic patterns for this work are already in place. 
  • From Sunset Ridge Road to Bristol, the contractor will be continuing work on grading, drainage, and the sanitary sewer installation. The lane closures for this work are already in place. 
  • The temporary sidewalks and protective fencing, for access to Sunset Ridge School, at the intersection of Old Willow and Willow, will be installed over the next couple of days and are planned to be in place for opening day on August 28. 

    More detailed construction work and traffic conditions can be tracked at ; through Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project; or through Twitter at @willowroadcp.

    Please note that the actual start dates and activities may change due to weather or other conflicts. #willowroadcp

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Message from Sunset Ridge School District 29

Dear Members of the Northfield Community:

I am writing to you as the new Superintendent of Sunset Ridge School District 29. On behalf of our faculty and staff, I thank you for your support of our District. I am writing to highlight a critical issue as we look to the start of another exciting school year. The upcoming school year brings with it a unique challenge to our community- the Willow Road Construction Project!

To ensure the safety of our students (and all Northfield residents) during this construction project, Sunset Ridge District 29 is actively communicating and partnering with the Village of Northfield, the Illinois Department of Transportation, and Lorig Construction.

If you have traveled around our schools during our morning drop-off (i.e., 8-8:30 a.m.) or afternoon dismissal times (i.e., 3-3:45 p.m.), you have experienced the significant congestion around the buildings. The Willow Road Construction Project is sure to bring an added layer of complexity to this situation. Therefore, during the upcoming school year, you will see the following mechanisms in place to ensure the safety of our students:

1. A District staff member or Northfield Police Officer will be posted at the intersection of Sunset Ridge Road and Willow Road, and the intersection of Wagner Road and Willow Road during drop off and dismissal times to ensure the safety of students and families crossing Willow Road.
2. A Northfield Police Officer will assist in directing traffic out of the Middlefork and Sunset Ridge parking lots at dismissal times to reduce traffic congestion around the schools and facilitate a smooth dismissal.
3. A temporary sidewalk will be constructed on the south end of the Sunset Ridge School property that will connect to the sidewalk on Old Willow Road to ensure the safe passage of students during construction.

As the new school year officially begins on AUGUST 28, 2013, I am reaching out to all the members of our community to ask for your support and patience. Please keep in mind that our first priority is the safety of our students. I encourage you to be extra alert for pedestrian traffic around the schools, plan ahead for some added congestion during drop-off and dismissal times, follow the directions of our traffic control personnel, and be patient as we ‘navigate’ through the construction.

Please do not hesitate to contact me personally if you have any questions, concerns, of feedback. I can me reach by email @ or by phone at 847.881.9456.


Edward J. Stange
Superintendent of Schools Sunset Ridge School District 29

Monday, August 12, 2013

What’s New for Willow Road?

For August 12 to 24

At the August 7, 2013 Willow Road coordination meeting, IDOT and Lorig Construction provided their proposed construction schedule for the upcoming weeks. 

  • The retaining wall work at the bridge is expected to be completed early in the week and then the contractor will install temporary lanes on the south side of the right of way.  As soon as this work is completed Bristol Street will be reopened.  The contractor will then switch the traffic to Phase I operations, on the south side of the right of way, all the way to the Eden’s Expressway.  
  •  West of Sunset Ridge Road and on Waukegan Road, the Phase I work will continue and the contractor will be starting the installation of the permanent paving.  The lane closures and traffic patterns for this work are already in place.
  • From Sunset Ridge Road to Bristol, the Phase I work has started and the contractor will be working on the pavement removal, grading, and drainage installation.  The lane closures for this work are already in place.
  • Specialty work is planned over the next two weeks to get ready for the first days of school.  Temporary sidewalks and protective fencing are planned at Sunset Ridge School, so that kids can safely access the area from Old Willow Road; NICOR is working to finalize utility relocations in the Sunset Ridge Road intersection; the construction phasing is being adjusted to help ensure west bound vehicles have access to Willow Road from Old Willow Road; and the School and Village are developing a traffic control program to ensure pickup and drop off activities can take place safely throughout construction.    



More detailed construction work and traffic conditions can be tracked at ; through Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project; or through Twitter at @willowroadcp.   


Please note that the actual start dates and activities may change due to weather or other conflicts.   #willowroadcp