Friday, June 27, 2014

Willow Road Work – Delays Anticipated

June 27 to July 11, 2014

  • 4th of July.  Construction work will stop for the 4th of July holiday.  Work will progress through the end of the day on July 3rd and then resume again on Monday July 7th.
  • Central Road Intersection.  Lane closures and delays will continue at the Central Avenue intersection for the next few weeks.  The intersection will remain open to north and south bound traffic but the number of lanes will be reduced and extensive delays are anticipated.  Motorists are urged to use alternate routes or plan for long delays.
  •   Wagner Road Detour.  Wagner Road will be re-opened tomorrow, Saturday June 28th.
  • Sunset Ridge to Waukegan.  Final earth work and subgrade operations are underway.  The pavement installation is scheduled to start the week of July 7th.
  • Chapel Hill to Sunset Ridge.  The contractor will be installing the new water main, storm sewer connections, and sanitary lines.
  • Chapel Hill to the River.  The Wagner Road intersection will be reopened tomorrow and the contractor will be finishing up pavement installation in the gap areas, curbing, electrical, back filling the curbs, and installing sidewalks.
  • Bridge.  The contractor will be finishing the sidewalk, parapet, pilasters, and then installing the pedestrian railing.  In addition, they will be working with the MWRDGC on a sanitary sewer repair.
  • River to the Eden’s.  The contractor will finish the drainage and grading and start the pavement installation followed by curb and gutter.

The planned operations involve lane closures at Central and Happ with occasional flagging operations.  Substantial delays are anticipated.  Motorists are urged to use alternate routes or to allow additional time. 

The detailed construction work and traffic conditions can be tracked at ; through Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project; or through Twitter at @willowroadcp.   As always, actual start dates and activities may change due to weather or other conflicts.   #willowroadcp

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Willow Road Work – Delays Anticipated

June 13 to June 27, 2014

Over the next two weeks the following construction work is planned:

  • Central Road Intersection.  On Thursday, June 12, IDOT will begin work on the Central Avenue and Willow Road intersection.  The intersection will remain open to north and south bound traffic but the number of lanes will be reduced and extensive delays are anticipated.  Work is expected to continue in this area for the next three weeks.  Motorists are urged to avoid the intersection, use alternate routes, or plan accordingly for delays.
  • Wagner Road Detour.  On Monday, June 16, 2014 IDOT will be closing the northern intersection of Willow Road and Wagner by Middlefork School.  The intersection will be closed to allow for final utility connections and pavement installation.  It is anticipated to remain closed for two weeks.   Local traffic will be detoured to the Old Willow/Northfield Road intersection.  Click here to see the detour route
  • Chapel Hill Lane to Waukegan.  The contractor will install the new drainage and utilities and then begin grading and subgrade operations on the south side of the right of way.
  • Chapel Hill to the River.  The contractor will be finishing the pavement installation followed by the curb and gutter.
  • Bridge.  The contractor will be installing the approaches, concrete deck and sidewalls, sidewalk, parapet, and pilasters.
  • River to the Eden’s.  The contractor will finish the drainage and grading and start the pavement installation followed by curb and gutter. 
  • Eden’s Expressway.  The contractor will continue to install the drainage and then will being the grading and subgrade operations. 

The planned operations involve an intersection closure at Wagner, lane closures at Central and Happ, and occasional flagging operations.  Substantial delays are anticipated and motorists are urged to use alternate routes or to allow additional time.  

The detailed construction work and traffic conditions can be tracked at ; through Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project; or through Twitter at @willowroadcp.   As always, actual start dates and activities may change due to weather or other conflicts.   #willowroadcp

Monday, June 9, 2014

Detour Alert – Wagner Road

On Monday, June 16, 2014 IDOT will be closing the northern intersection of Willow Road and Wagner by Middlefork School.  The intersection will be closed to allow for final utility connections and pavement installation.  It is anticipated to remain closed for two weeks.   Local traffic will be detoured to the Old Willow/Northfield Road intersection.        

Click here to see the detour route

During the detour period the Village will:

  • monitor the Northfield  Road intersection, and will request that IDOT make adjustments to the signal timing, if needed, to minimize traffic backups;
  • provide special Police patrols on local streets to reduce speeding and cut through traffic; and,
  •  ensure emergency responses routes are maintained to all part of the community for police, fire and ambulance access.   

Detailed construction work and current traffic conditions can be tracked at ; through Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project; or through Twitter at @willowroadcp.   Please note that the actual start dates and activities may change due to weather or other conflicts.   #willowroadcp