Thursday, December 19, 2013

Willow Road Special Notice

December 19, 2013

  • Today, the pavement striping is being completed on the north side lanes, from west of Churchill to Waukegan Road. As soon as that work is done, motorists will be transitioned over to the new pavement area. While the transfer is taking place, this afternoon, additional traffic delays are anticipate. The road is expected to be operating normally in time for the evening rush.
  • Starting December 20th, a two week holiday shutdown will go into effect and there will be construction activity on the project. 
  • Weather permitting, work will resume on January 6, 2014.

    More detailed construction work and traffic conditions can be tracked at ; through Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project; or through Twitter at @willowroadcp. #willowroadcp

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Willow Road Winter Work Plan

For December 10 to Jan 6

The project is in winter status but work will still take place as weather permits.  Over the next several weeks the following is planned:

  • The contractor is trying to facilitate a switch to Phase II operations from just west of Churchill to Waukegan Road.  Before they can transfer the traffic to the north side however, they need to stripe the new pavement.  That work will require the weather be over 28 degrees for at least two days.
  • Work will continue on the sanitary sewer heading west from north Bristol until Friday December 20th and will resume again after the holiday shutdown.
  • A two week holiday shutdown will be put in place from December 20, 2013 to January 6, 2014.  During this time, no work will take place. 

More detailed construction work and traffic conditions can be tracked at ; through Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project; or through Twitter at @willowroadcp.    

Please note that the actual start dates and activities may change due to weather or other conflicts.   #willowroadcp

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Willow Road Work Plan

For November 26 to December 6

The contractor is working to get the area ready for winter, with the following work contemplated over the next two weeks:

  • Waukegan to 3 Lakes - Pavement operations will be ongoing followed by the installation of curbs, gutters and sidewalks.
  • 3 Lakes to Sunset Ridge Road – The sub-grade operations are expected to be completed this week.  Next week the contractor will work on the pavement installation followed by the curb and gutter work.
  • Somerset Road/Old Willow Road Detour - The detour is anticipated to end on Friday.  When the intersection reopens, it will be in its final configuration, which will only allow for west bound access out to Willow Road.  Click here to see the detour route:     
  • Sunset Ridge to Wagner – Pavement operations are expected to continue on Wednesday and Friday this week and then all of next week as well.  Once that work is completed, they will start installing the curbs and gutters.    
  • Wagner to Middlefork Bridge – AT&T’s is still in the process of completing their asbestos removal work.  They anticipate finishing by the end of this week and then next week the contractor will start on the sanitary and drainage systems in this area. 
  • Old Willow Road Detour – The contractor is in the process of reopening this intersection.  It is anticipated being opened to traffic later today.      
  • Winter Plan.  Over the next two to three weeks the winter plan will be put into effect.  This plan includes finishing the pavement installation and moving traffic to the south side of the right of way between Chapel Hill Lane and 3 Lakes Drive; installing new pavement marking to more clearly delineate the lanes; providing temporary asphalt  access where the pavement is not completed; and installing alternative barriers, to help ensure effective snow removal and motorist safety.   Over the winter months, weather permitting, the contractor will be work on utilities and removals.    


More detailed construction work and traffic conditions can be tracked at ; through Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project; or through Twitter at @willowroadcp.   


Please note that the actual start dates and activities may change due to weather or other conflicts.   #willowroadcp

Monday, November 18, 2013

What’s New for Willow Road?

For November 18 to 29

There has been a lot of construction activity along the corridor recently and we anticipate the next several weeks will continue to be very busy.  The contractor will be working on the following elements:

  •  Sunset Ridge Road to Waukegan Road – The intersection pavement operations are expected to start this week and continue into next week.  Once completed, they will work on installing the curb and gutters, sidewalks, and landscaping. 
  • Somerset Road/Old Willow Road Detour - The detour remains in effect and there continues to be no access, to or from Old Willow Road, to Willow Road.  All traffic is being detoured to Wagner.  The utility work in this intersection is complete and the contractor has started the pavement operations.  We anticipate the intersection being reopened, in its final configuration, by the end of next week.   Click here to see the detour route:      
  • Sunset Ridge to Wagner – The contractor continues to work on the installation of the drainage system, water main, and sewer system.  In areas where that work has been completed, they will start the grading work and subgrade placement.    
  • Wagner to Middlefork Bridge – AT&T’s contractor will be working to remove the asbestos and remediate the soil, west of the bridge.  When completed, IDOT’s contractor will start the installation of the sanitary and drainage systems. 
  • Old Willow Road Detour – the detour remains in effect on the north side of the intersection to facilitate the installation of utilities and roadway improvements.  The contractor anticipates completing the utility work early this week and will immediately start the grading, subgrade, and paving operations.  They expect to have the intersection reopened by the end of next week.  Click here to see the detour route:   
  • Winter Plan - IDOT is working with the contractor to put a winter plan into effect before any major snow event takes place.  As part of this work the contractor will be installing new pavement marking to more clearly delineate the lanes; will install temporary asphalt on the driveways or roads where the pavement will not be completed before the winter; and IDOT is evaluating alternative barriers, to help ensure effective snow removal and motorist safety.   Over the winter months the contractor plans to undertake the remaining utility work along the corridor.  


More detailed construction work and traffic conditions can be tracked at ; through Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project; or through Twitter at @willowroadcp.   


Please note that the actual start dates and activities may change due to weather or other conflicts.   #willowroadcp

Friday, November 8, 2013

Detour Notice – Old Willow Road West

On Wednesday, November 13, 2013 IDOT will be establishing a second detour, to facilitate the intersection improvements, at Somerset/Old Willow and Willow.  During the detour there will be no access, to or from, Old Willow to Willow.  All motorists will be detoured to Wagner Road.  Access to Somerset Lane will be maintained.   The improvements are expected to take two weeks to construct and the intersection is expected to re-open, in its final configuration west bound, before Thanksgiving.   

Click here to see a copy of the detour route

School District 29 will be sending out updates to parents to let them know about any changes in pick up or drop off procedures or sidewalk closures.

Detailed construction work and traffic conditions can be tracked at ; through Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project; or through Twitter at @willowroadcp.  


Please note that the actual start dates and activities may change due to weather or other conflicts.   #willowroadcp

Thursday, October 31, 2013

What’s New for Willow Road?

For November 1 to 13, 2013

We are pleased to report that many of the utility conflicts have been resolved and that the project work is proceeding at several different locations.  Over the next two weeks, the contractor plans to be working on the following elements:

·         Sunset Ridge Road to Waukegan Road – The Phase II operations are underway in this segment of the project.   Upcoming work includes pavement removal, drainage installation, earthwork, subgrade placement and pavement installation. 

·         Sunset Ridge to Somerset/Old Willow – Installation of the drainage system along with the water and sewer utilities.  Once these are in place, the grading and subgrade operations will commence.   In a few weeks, IDOT anticipates having to close this intersection, for a short time, to build out the intersection improvements.   During that time, there will be no access to or from Old Willow Road to Willow Road and traffic will be detoured to Wagner.  However, access will be maintained to Somerset Lane.  As additional details, on the detour route and timing, become available they will be posted.    

·         Somerset/Old Willow to Wagner – Installation of the drainage system. 

·         Wagner to Middlefork Bridge – AT&T’s contractor will be working to remove the asbestos and remediate the soil, west of the bridge.  When completed, IDOT’s contractor will start the installation of the sanitary and drainage systems.

·         Middlefork Bridge to Eden’s.  The detour will remain in effect on the north side of the intersection at Old Willow Road to facilitate the installation of utilities and intersection improvements.  The contractor will first install the sanitary and water mains and then begin the grading and subgrade operations.     


The lane closures and traffic patterns for the work outlined above are already in place.

More detailed construction work and traffic conditions can be tracked at ; through Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project; or through Twitter at @willowroadcp.   

 Please note that the actual start dates and activities may change due to weather or other conflicts.   #willowroadcp

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Detour Reminder

On Friday, October 25, IDOT is closing the northern leg of the Old Willow & Willow Road intersection, by the Walgreens and Shell Station.  The intersection will be closed to allow for the relocation and installation of utilities and will remain closed for an estimated three weeks.  The construction crews will be working longer hours and on the weekends to get the intersection re-opened as quickly as possible.  Access from Willow Road will be maintained to the local businesses but there will be no access, north or south bound, within the intersection.  Local traffic is being detoured to Wagner Road.    

During the detour period the Village will:

  • closely monitor the Wagner Road intersection, and will request that IDOT make adjustments to the signal timing, if needed, to minimize traffic backups; 
  • continue to have Police officers at the schools to help direct traffic during the afternoon pick up and drop off period; 
  • continue to provide special Police patrols on the local streets to reduce speeding and cut through traffic; and,
  • continue to ensure that emergency responses routes are maintained to all part of the community for police, fire and ambulance access.   

Click here to see the detour route
Detailed construction work and current traffic conditions can be tracked at ; through Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project; or through Twitter at @willowroadcp.   Please note that the actual start dates and activities may change due to weather or other conflicts.   #willowroadcp

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Detour Reminder

On Friday, October 25, IDOT will close the northern leg of the Old Willow & Willow Road intersection, by the Walgreens and Shell Station.  The intersection will be closed to allow for the relocation and installation of utilities and will remain closed for an estimated three weeks.  Access from Willow Road will be maintained to the businesses and local, north bound, traffic will be detoured to Wagner Road.    

Click here to see the detour route   


Detailed construction work and current traffic conditions can be tracked at ; through Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project; or through Twitter at @willowroadcp.   Please note that the actual start dates and activities may change due to weather or other conflicts.   #willowroadcp

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Lane Closures and Detour Notice

October 21 to 25, 2013

On Monday, October 21, the contractor for IDOT is planning to connect the new water main system to the existing one, at the bridge near Bristol. As part this work, there will be times that the roadway will be reduced to one lane. Construction flaggers will be in place to ensure the safe movement of traffic. The water main work is estimated to take three days to complete and will take place between the hours of 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. The contractor will try to minimize disruptions but, major delays are anticipated.

On Friday, October 25, IDOT will close the northern leg of the Old Willow & Willow Road intersection, by the Walgreens and Shell Station. The intersection will be closed to allow for the relocation and installation of utilities and will remain closed for an estimated three weeks. Access from Willow Road will be maintained to the businesses and the local, north bound, traffic will be detoured to Wagner Road.

Detailed construction work and traffic conditions can be tracked at ; through Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project; or through Twitter at @willowroadcp. Please note that the actual start dates and activities may change due to weather or other conflicts. #willowroadcp

Friday, October 11, 2013

Gas Leak Update

NICOR is on scene and completing the neccessary repairs. The leak area has been secured and Willow Road has been re-opened to traffic.

Important Alert

Willow Road is being closed between Wagner Road and Sunset Ridge Road due to a gas main leak in the area. NICOR has crew’s enroute to the scene. Traffic will be detoured around but long delays are anticipated and motorists are encouraged to avoid the area if possible.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Special Utility Update

For October 10 to October 18

A number of utility conflicts have resulted in construction delays along the corridor.  The following is the latest information on when work in each area is expected to resume:

Willow  & Churchill Area.  On Thursday, October 10th, the contractor will be working on the water main near Churchill.  The water will be shut off to homes on Churchill for several hours.  Once this work is completed, the contractor will resume their work installing the large storm sewer in this area. 

Willow – just west of the river.   AT&T is fast tracking the bidding and permitting necessary to facilitate the removal of their asbestos pipe at the river.  Once this pipe has been removed, and any necessary remediation completed, the contractor will resume their work installing the sanitary and storm sewer in this area.   In addition, the week of the 14th, two water main connections are planned.  This work will necessitate additional lane closures, with flaggers, and additional delays are anticipated.   When the exact lane closure dates are known, a special notice will be posted.      

Willow – just east of the river.   IDOT has developed a plan to resolve the NICOR and storm sewer conflict in this area.  As soon as they receive the final structural approval from the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRDGC ) the work will resume.  The project also includes extensive utility work in the north leg of the Old Willow Road intersection.  This will necessitate closing that leg of the intersection and detouring local traffic, to Wagner Road, for an estimated three week period. Access to all of the businesses in the area will be maintained from Willow Road.  When the exact dates of the detour are known, a special notice will be posted. 

Detailed construction work and traffic conditions can be tracked at ; through Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project; or through Twitter at @willowroadcp.  


Please note that the actual start dates and activities may change due to weather or other conflicts.   #willowroadcp

Friday, October 4, 2013

Utility Delays Continue on Willow Road

For October 4 to October 18

The entire project corridor is in Phase I operations but a series of utility conflicts continue to cause delays with the roadway work.    The following is an update on the conflicts and the work planned for the next two weeks:

Waukegan Road.  The contractor has started the permanent pavement operations along Waukegan Road.  That work is expected to continue until October 14th after which they will start the installation of the curb and gutters. 

Willow – west of Sunset Ridge.  The majority of the Phase I pavement work has been completed in this area.  The contractor will be working on the sidewalk and electrical installations.  Once the pavement work on Waukegan Road is complete, the contractor will switch to Phase II, west of Sunset Ridge Road. 

Willow – east of Sunset Ridge to the river.   The roadway work between Sunset Ridge Road and the bridge remains delayed due to an AT&T conflict at the bridge.  AT&T completed their cable work but discovered this week that the pipe that needs to be removed contains asbestos.  They are in the process of bidding out this removal with a specialized company and obtaining the necessary EPA permit.  Last week, the contractor started the installation of the storm sewer system west of Wagner road but that work has been temporarily halted due to a water main conflict.  The construction team is meeting today to develop the plan to reconstruct that main and work is expected to resume early next week.  Many of the new utilities are under the pavement, and therefore, these all have be resolved and installed before any paving work can take place.  

Willow – east of the river to the Eden’s Expressway.   In this segment of roadway, there is a gas main, that NICOR has not yet relocated, that is causing a delay in the roadway work.    IDOT is exploring various options to resolve this conflict, so that the roadway work can move ahead.  Until this conflict is resolved or an alternate plan approved, no work will take place along this segment of the project. 

The lane closures and traffic patterns for the work outlined above are already in place.

More detailed construction work and traffic conditions can be tracked at ; through Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project; or through Twitter at @willowroadcp.  


Please note that the actual start dates and activities may change due to weather or other conflicts.   #willowroadcp

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Utility Conflicts are Delaying Construction Progress on Willow Road

For September 20 to October 4

The entire project corridor is in Phase I operations but a series of utility conflicts are causing delays with the roadway work.    The following is an update on the conflicts and the work planned for the next two weeks:

Waukegan Road.  A shallow water main was discovered in the construction area on Waukegan Road.   After reviewing the options, it was determined that the main needed to be moved outside the pavement area and the project team has been working through the design and permitting to make that happen.   In order for the roadway work to continue, the shallow main needed to be shut down.   To ensure water service could be maintained to all areas of Northfield, the main could not be shut down until the new water main near the bridge on Willow was put back in service.  That water main work was completed this week and the contractor is now able to continue their pavement operations along Waukegan Road.  Over the next two weeks, they planning to finish the final grading and start the permanent pavement installation.

Willow – west of Sunset Ridge.  The majority of the Phase I pavement work has been completed in this area.  Over the next two weeks, the contractor will be working on embankment grading and the sidewalk installation.  When the pavement work on Waukegan Road is complete, the contractor will start the Phase II operations on the south side of the right of way from Sunset Ridge Road west. 

Willow – east of Sunset Ridge to the river.   The roadway work between Sunset Ridge Road and the bridge is delayed due to an AT&T utility conflict at the bridge.  The AT&T cable is in the way of the new sanitary main and storm sewer.  These new utilities are under the pavement and have to be installed before any work can take place on the roadway itself.    AT&T has indicated they will have their conflict resolved by the end of September.     Once that is completed, Lorig Construction will be able to actively start working on the sanitary main, storm sewer and roadway along this segment.

Willow – east of the river to the Eden’s Expressway.   In this segment of roadway, there is a gas main, that NICOR has not yet relocated, that is causing a delay in the roadway work.    IDOT is exploring various options to resolve this conflict, so that the roadway work can again move ahead as quickly as possible.  Until this conflict is resolved however, no work can take place along this segment of the project. 

The lane closures and traffic patterns for the work outlined above are already in place.

More detailed construction work and traffic conditions can be tracked at ; through Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project; or through Twitter at @willowroadcp.   


Please note that the actual start dates and activities may change due to weather or other conflicts.   #willowroadcp

Monday, September 9, 2013

Power Outage Alert

There is a series of power outages around the north shore.  Currently, various intersections on Willow Road are being impacted and motorists are encouraged to take alternate routes to avoid lengthy delays.  Within the community, the Village of Northfield currently has 748 customers without power.  We are awaiting more detailed information from Com Ed on anticipated restoration times.


What’s New for Willow Road?

For September 9 to 20

The entire project corridor is now in Phase I operations. That means that both the east and west bound traffic is running on the south side of the corridor while Lorig Construction builds out the northern half of the project. Over the next two weeks, the contractor plans to be working on the following elements:

  • Sunset Ridge Road to Waukegan Road - curb and gutter, electrical, and sidewalk installations.
  • Waukegan Road - earthwork, subgrade placement and concrete paving operations.
  • Sunset Ridge Road to Bristol – pavement and soil removals, water and sanitary main, and drainage system installation. The new drainage system will consist of two, large, parallel pipes under the pavement in the north and south lanes. It starts as a 66” pipe at the river and then transitions to a 48” and 36” pipe as it heads west.
  • All of the local schools are now open. Motorists are reminded to be especially careful of children walking and biking adjacent to the construction.

The lane closures and traffic patterns for the work outlined above are already in place.

More detailed construction work and traffic conditions can be tracked at ; through Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project; or through Twitter at @willowroadcp. Please note that the actual start dates and activities may change due to weather or other conflicts. #willowroadcp

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

IDOT Suspends Non-Emergency Road Work to Improve Traffic Flow for Labor Day Weekend

SPRINGFIELD – With thousands of motorists expected to travel on state roadways over the Labor Day holiday weekend, the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) announced today that non-emergency roadwork will be suspended where possible to reduce congestion and improve traffic flow. IDOT is also providing advance notice of lane closures that will be in place for the holiday week to aid motorists’ travel plans and boost safety.

“Labor Day weekend is the traditionally the last weekend of summer travel for motorists and we want to help ensure it’s a safe one,” said Illinois Transportation Secretary Ann L. Schneider. “All non-emergency road work, wherever possible, will be suspended during the Labor Day weekend to allow Illinois families and visitors traveling on our roadways a smooth ride with reduced roadway congestion and improved safety.”

Starting at 3 p.m. Friday, August 30, IDOT will suspend all non-emergency roadwork for the holiday week and open up all lanes where possible through midnight Monday, September 2. Some construction zones will have lane closures in effect, depending on the projects.

IDOT is urging motorists to slow down, obey posted speed limits and drive with caution through work zones. Holiday travelers are reminded that work zone speed limits are still in effect wherever they are posted, even where no construction workers are present. For more information on road closures, visit

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Traffic Change Alert

The contractor is in the process of changing the traffic patterns along the Willow Road corridor from Bristol Street to the Eden’s Expressway. The east and west bound traffic lanes are being be shifted to the south side of the right of way to allow the Phase I construction operations to proceed. As part of this, Bristol Street will be re-opened opened to motorists. While the changeover is taking place, additional traffic delays are anticipated.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

What’s New for Willow Road?

For August 26 to September 6 At the August 21, 2013 Willow Road coordination meeting, IDOT and Lorig Construction provided their proposed schedule for the upcoming weeks.

  • Northfield schools open on August 28! Motorists are reminded to take extra care and watch for children walking and biking along the construction corridor and on the local roadways. 
  • The pre-stage work and temporary pavement near Bristol Street and the bridge are expected to be completed early next week. As soon that work is done, traffic will be adjusted and motorists shifted to the south side of the right of way from Bristol Street to the Eden’s Expressway. The project will then be in full Phase I operations and the detour at Bristol Street removed. 
  • West of Sunset Ridge Road and on Waukegan Road, the contractor will be continuing the installation of drainage and permanent paving. They will then start on the installation of curbs, gutters, and electrical pole foundations. The lane closures and traffic patterns for this work are already in place. 
  • From Sunset Ridge Road to Bristol, the contractor will be continuing work on grading, drainage, and the sanitary sewer installation. The lane closures for this work are already in place. 
  • The temporary sidewalks and protective fencing, for access to Sunset Ridge School, at the intersection of Old Willow and Willow, will be installed over the next couple of days and are planned to be in place for opening day on August 28. 

    More detailed construction work and traffic conditions can be tracked at ; through Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project; or through Twitter at @willowroadcp.

    Please note that the actual start dates and activities may change due to weather or other conflicts. #willowroadcp

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Message from Sunset Ridge School District 29

Dear Members of the Northfield Community:

I am writing to you as the new Superintendent of Sunset Ridge School District 29. On behalf of our faculty and staff, I thank you for your support of our District. I am writing to highlight a critical issue as we look to the start of another exciting school year. The upcoming school year brings with it a unique challenge to our community- the Willow Road Construction Project!

To ensure the safety of our students (and all Northfield residents) during this construction project, Sunset Ridge District 29 is actively communicating and partnering with the Village of Northfield, the Illinois Department of Transportation, and Lorig Construction.

If you have traveled around our schools during our morning drop-off (i.e., 8-8:30 a.m.) or afternoon dismissal times (i.e., 3-3:45 p.m.), you have experienced the significant congestion around the buildings. The Willow Road Construction Project is sure to bring an added layer of complexity to this situation. Therefore, during the upcoming school year, you will see the following mechanisms in place to ensure the safety of our students:

1. A District staff member or Northfield Police Officer will be posted at the intersection of Sunset Ridge Road and Willow Road, and the intersection of Wagner Road and Willow Road during drop off and dismissal times to ensure the safety of students and families crossing Willow Road.
2. A Northfield Police Officer will assist in directing traffic out of the Middlefork and Sunset Ridge parking lots at dismissal times to reduce traffic congestion around the schools and facilitate a smooth dismissal.
3. A temporary sidewalk will be constructed on the south end of the Sunset Ridge School property that will connect to the sidewalk on Old Willow Road to ensure the safe passage of students during construction.

As the new school year officially begins on AUGUST 28, 2013, I am reaching out to all the members of our community to ask for your support and patience. Please keep in mind that our first priority is the safety of our students. I encourage you to be extra alert for pedestrian traffic around the schools, plan ahead for some added congestion during drop-off and dismissal times, follow the directions of our traffic control personnel, and be patient as we ‘navigate’ through the construction.

Please do not hesitate to contact me personally if you have any questions, concerns, of feedback. I can me reach by email @ or by phone at 847.881.9456.


Edward J. Stange
Superintendent of Schools Sunset Ridge School District 29

Monday, August 12, 2013

What’s New for Willow Road?

For August 12 to 24

At the August 7, 2013 Willow Road coordination meeting, IDOT and Lorig Construction provided their proposed construction schedule for the upcoming weeks. 

  • The retaining wall work at the bridge is expected to be completed early in the week and then the contractor will install temporary lanes on the south side of the right of way.  As soon as this work is completed Bristol Street will be reopened.  The contractor will then switch the traffic to Phase I operations, on the south side of the right of way, all the way to the Eden’s Expressway.  
  •  West of Sunset Ridge Road and on Waukegan Road, the Phase I work will continue and the contractor will be starting the installation of the permanent paving.  The lane closures and traffic patterns for this work are already in place.
  • From Sunset Ridge Road to Bristol, the Phase I work has started and the contractor will be working on the pavement removal, grading, and drainage installation.  The lane closures for this work are already in place.
  • Specialty work is planned over the next two weeks to get ready for the first days of school.  Temporary sidewalks and protective fencing are planned at Sunset Ridge School, so that kids can safely access the area from Old Willow Road; NICOR is working to finalize utility relocations in the Sunset Ridge Road intersection; the construction phasing is being adjusted to help ensure west bound vehicles have access to Willow Road from Old Willow Road; and the School and Village are developing a traffic control program to ensure pickup and drop off activities can take place safely throughout construction.    



More detailed construction work and traffic conditions can be tracked at ; through Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project; or through Twitter at @willowroadcp.   


Please note that the actual start dates and activities may change due to weather or other conflicts.   #willowroadcp

Friday, July 26, 2013

What's New for Willow Road?

For July 29 to August 9

At the July 24, 2013 Willow Road coordination meeting, IDOT and Lorig Construction provided their proposed construction schedule for the upcoming weeks. 

  •  The “one-way” flagging operations which were in place this week, for the temporary paving, are complete.  Next week the construction area will return to one lane in each direction. 
  • The Bristol Street detour will remain in effect for work at the bridge.  Vehicles can access Bristol from the south but do not have access to Willow Road.  The public parking spaces in the area will remain available.
  • West of Sunset Ridge Road, the Phase I work will continue with the contractor undertaking site grading, subgrade and pavement operations.  The lane closures and traffic patterns for this work are in effect.
  •  On Waukegan Road, the Phase I work will continue with the contractor undertaking site grading and subgrade operations.  The lane closures and traffic patterns for this work are in effect.
  •  From Sunset Ridge Road to Bristol, the pre-stage work will continue with the installation of the drainage systems, a new water main, and the retaining wall and drainage structures near the bridge.  Once completed, the Bristol Street detour will be removed.  The lane closures for this work are already in place.
  • From Bristol to the Eden’s Expressway, utility relocation work will continue.  Short term, lane closures may be needed for portions of this work.  


More detailed construction work and traffic conditions can be tracked at ; through Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project; or through Twitter at @willowroadcp.   


Please note that the actual start dates and activities may change due to weather, utility issues, permitting approvals, or other contractor conflicts.   #willowroadcp

Friday, July 19, 2013

Major Delays Anticipated the Week of July 22

During the week of July 22, the contractor for IDOT expects to be installing the pavement for the temporary travel lanes along the south side of Willow Road. The paving work will take place between the hours of 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. Please note that at times the roadway will be reduced to one lane. Construction flaggers will be in place to ensure the safe movement of traffic. Major delays are anticipated.

Friday, July 5, 2013

What’s New for Willow Road?

For July 5 to July 17

At the July 3, 2013 Willow Road coordination meeting, IDOT and Lorig Construction provided their proposed construction schedule for the upcoming weeks. 

  • Until midnight on July 7, holiday work restrictions are in effect.  The contractor is not allowed any additional lane closures and can only use flaggers to move equipment in and out of the work zone.
  • The Bristol Street detour will remain in effect for work at the bridge.  Vehicles can access Bristol from the south but do not have access to Willow Road.  The public parking spaces in the area will remain available.
  • West of Sunset Ridge Road, the Phase I work will continue and the contractor will be working on the remainder of the pavement removal, installation of drainage and electrical systems, site grading, and concrete pavement installation.   The lane closures and traffic patterns for this work are in effect.
  • On Waukegan Road, the Phase I work will continue and the contractor will be installing the drainage system and begin site grading. The lane closures and traffic patterns for this work are in effect.
  • From Sunset Ridge Road to Bristol, the pre-stage work will continue including the installation of temporary pavement and drainage systems, a new water main, and the retaining wall and drainage structures near the bridge.  The lane closures for this work are already in place.
  • From Bristol to the Eden’s Expressway, the contractor will be installing the remainder of the temporary traffic signal systems, water main, and drainage.  Short term lane closures may be needed for portions of this work.
  • Utility work will continue throughout the corridor.  Short term, lane closures may be needed for portions of this work.   


More detailed construction work and traffic conditions can be tracked at ; through Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project; or through Twitter at @willowroadcp.   


Please note that the actual start dates and activities may change due to weather, utility issues, permitting approvals, or other contractor conflicts.   #willowroadcp

Thursday, June 13, 2013

What’s New for Willow Road?

For June 17 to June 28

At the June 12, 2013 Willow Road coordination meeting, IDOT and Lorig Construction provided their proposed construction schedule for the next two weeks. 

  •  The Bristol Street detour will remain in effect for work at the bridge.  Vehicles can access Bristol from the south but do not have access to Willow Road.  The public parking spaces in the area will remain available.         
  • The Phase I work has been started west of Sunset Ridge Road and is expected to continue throughout the summer.  The lane closures and traffic patterns for this work are in effect including those for Waukegan Road.
  •  The Pre-stage work west of Sunset Ridge Road will continue and it includes the installation of temporary pavement along the corridor, a new water main, and the retaining wall and drainage structures near the bridge.  The lane closures for this work are already in place.
  •  The temporary traffic signal installations will continue on the east end of the project in the downtown area.  Additional, short term, lane closures may be needed for portions of this work.
  • Utility work also continues throughout the corridor with Nicor working on the south side of the roadway between Sunset Ridge and Wagner; AT&T is relocating their facilities to the new poles and finishing their temporary fiber relocations; and ComEd will be removing the older poles once they are cleared of all wires.    Additional, short term, lane closures may be needed for portions of this work.  


More detailed construction work and traffic conditions can be tracked at ; through Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project; or through Twitter at @willowroadcp.   


Please note that the actual start dates and activities may change due to weather, utility issues, permitting approvals, or other contractor conflicts.   #willowroadcp

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Waukegan Lane Changes

On Wednesday, June 12 traffic lane changes are planned on Waukegan Road at the Willow Road intersection. The morning rush hour is not anticipated to be impacted, but the changes will likely be in place by the end of the day. Motorists should expect delays.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Features of the New Willow Road

With construction under way, many people are already looking forward to completion and want to know more about the new Willow Road. Here are some details.

The final roadway was designed and is being constructed by the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT).  Prior to moving forward with construction, IDOT took the roadway through a two-year Community Advisory Group (CAG) process to get input on the overall design from the towns of Northfield, Northbrook, Glenview and Winnetka. Many options were studied, but, in the end, IDOT elected to construct a road that consists of two eastbound travel lanes, two westbound travel lanes, with left-hand turn lanes at the intersections.    The roadway will also contain the following enhancements that were recommended by the CAG members:

  • 10 feet wide travel lanes
  •  30 m.p.h. speed limit
  •  Planted medians with enhanced gateway plantings
  •  6 feet wide sidewalks on both sides of the street
  •  Pedestrian crossing features:
        Extra wide crosswalks
        Pushbutton countdown pedestrian signal
        Center refuge medians
        Lighted intersections
        Corner  planting
            Mid-block pedestrian park crossing at Clarkson Park
  • Parkway trees every 30 to 40 feet
  • Decorative stone bridge and retaining wall
  • 7 feet wide sidewalk over the Eden’s Bridge
  • Brick paver sidewalks and decorative lighting in the downtown
  •  Decorative combined signal and lighting poles at the intersections
  • A large storm water system under the roadway

To follow the progress of the work and monitor traffic conditions, stay tuned to on Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project or Twitter @willowroadcp.   

Thursday, May 30, 2013

What's New for Willow Road

For June 3 to May 14

At the May 29, 2013 Willow Road coordination meeting, IDOT and Lorig Construction provided their proposed construction schedule for the next two weeks.

  • A Bristol Street detour will go into effect for work at the bridge. Vehicles will be able to access Bristol from the south but will not have access to Willow Road. The public parking spaces in the area will be open in the evenings and weekends. The detour is scheduled through the end of July.
  • The Wagner Road detour is expected to be removed by June 3. • City Lights will continue to install temporary traffic signals at the intersections and they anticipate activating the temporary signals on the west end of the project.
  • Lorig Construction will continue removing the existing medians and installing temporary pavement along the corridor. They will also start the new water main and retaining wall work at the bridge. The lane closures for this work are already in place.
  • As soon as the utilities are out of the way, Lorig will start the Phase I work west of Sunset Ridge Road. New lane closures and traffic patterns will go into effect in this area. Traffic will be shifted to the south side of the right of way so that the new roadway and sidewalk can be built on the north.
  • Nicor will continue work on the south side of the roadway predominantly between Sunset Ridge and Wagner. There will be times when their work requires sidewalk sections to be removed and Nicor will provide temporary gravel in these locations when they are completed.
  • Comcast and AT&T will continue to relocate their facilities to the new Com Ed poles. Once those relocations are complete, the old poles will be removed.
  • AT&T plans to finish their temporary fiber relocations near the river by June 3. When this work is complete, installation of the water main and construction of the retaining wall will begin.

More detailed construction work and traffic conditions can be tracked at ; through Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project; or through Twitter at @willowroadcp.

Please note that the actual start dates and activities may change due to weather, utility issues, permitting approvals, or other contractor conflicts.  



Thursday, May 23, 2013

Bristol Street Detour Begins Monday

On Monday, May 27, IDOT will close the intersection of Bristol Street and Willow Road.  The intersection will be closed to allow for the installation of a new retaining wall and underground utilities and will remain closed until this work is completed.
Bristol Street will be open to local traffic from the south, but drivers will not be able to access Bristol from Willow Road.  Click here to see a map of the proposed detour.  

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Whats New For Willow Road

What’s New for Willow Road?

For May 20 to May 31

At the May 15, 2013 Willow Road coordination meeting, IDOT and Lorig Construction provided their proposed construction schedule for the next two weeks.  The planned work includes:

  •  Nicor will continue work on the west end of the project, including a connection across the Sunset Ridge intersection. Nicor will confine its work within the roadway between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., and they will have flaggers to direct traffic. When this phase is complete, NICOR anticipates starting its relocation work on the south side of the right of way between Sunset Ridge Road and the river. 
  • Comcast and AT&T will continue to relocate their facilities to the new Com Ed poles installed along the right of way.  Once those relocations are complete, the old poles will be removed.
  • AT&T also plans to relocate its fiber facilities near the river.  When this work is complete, installation of the water main and construction of the retaining wall near the river will begin.  That work will require the temporary closure of Bristol Street and appropriate detours.
  •  City Lights will continue to install temporary traffic signals at the intersections.  They anticipate activating the temporary signals on the west end of the project by the end of May.   
  •  Lorig Construction will continue removing the existing medians along the corridor and then installing temporary pavement in these areas.  This work is started on the west end of the project. Lane closures for this phase are already in place.


More detailed construction work and traffic conditions can be tracked at ; through Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project; or through Twitter at @willowroadcp.   

Please note that the actual start dates and activities may change due to weather, utility issues, permitting approvals, or other contractor conflicts.   

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Frequently Asked Questions

May 10, 2013

Who should I contact if I have a question or an issue? The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) manages the Willow Road Redevelopment project. Any questions or concerns can be e-mailed to their construction team at, phoned into the field office at 847-784-8738 or directed to their web page at

Why are there traffic barriers and lanes closed when very little work is going on? With each phase of construction, traffic barriers are used to provide a safe work zone. The current configuration is for the “pre-stage” work, which includes tree removal, median removal, the installation of temporary pavement on the south side of the road, and utility relocation. Once the pre-stage work is complete, the next phase of the project can start. In order to avoid confusion, due to frequent changes in lane configurations, these are not set up or taken down on a day-to-day basis but rather with each new phase of the project.

Why is there a Wagner Road detour in place? This detour is not part of the Willow Road project but is associated with a Safe Routes to School project. Northfield received funding to improve school access, and the contractor will be working to enclose a culvert on Wagner Road to make it safer for children walking to Middlefork School and the Park District facilities. Northbound Wagner Road will be closed between Willow and Old Willow for the next two weeks.

What is the best way to stay informed on construction activity? For live traffic updates, detailed maps of the project design, and up-to-date information on the construction activity, follow the progress on the Willow Road web page ; the IDOT web page road/index.html ; Facebook - Willow Road Construction Project; Twitter - @willowroadcp; Instagram- willowroadcp; and e-news at

How long will the project take? The roadway work is expected to take place over two construction seasons and be completed by the end of 2014. The final restoration work and plantings are planned for the spring of 2015.

Will the sidewalks be open during construction? Sidewalks will be available during construction but not in the areas adjacent to construction. In Phase I, the south side will be available; in Phase II, the north side will be available; and in Phase III both sides will be open.

Are drawings available to show what the final roadway will look like? You can view the overall project design and landscape plans by clicking the links provide on the right-hand side at If you have detailed construction questions or want to know how the project may impact a particular property, contact IDOT at

Can the timing of the traffic lights be adjusted to allow traffic to flow more smoothly during construction? Yes. IDOT will evaluate the intersections during each phase of construction and, when possible, will adjust the signal times to mitigate traffic backups. Nonetheless, delays are anticipated throughout construction.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Whats New for Willow Road

For May 6 to May 17

At the May 1, 2013 Willow Road coordination meeting IDOT and Lorig Construction provided their proposed construction schedule for the next two weeks. The work planned includes:

Weeks of May 6th & 13th

  • The utility companies such as Com Ed, Comcast, AT&T, and NICOR will continue their work relocating utilities that are in conflict with the new roadway. NICOR will be focusing most of their work in the western portion of the project between Waukegan Road. To allow them to work safely they will be making some temporary changes to the traffic configurations in their work zones. Once completed the barricades will be reinstalled to the pre-stage work locations. 
  • The general contractor, Lorig Construction will continue to set new poles for the temporary traffic signals at the intersections. This work has already started at Waukegan and Willow and the contractor will continue moving east, intersection by intersection. If the soil samples are approvals by the reception site, the contractor will begin the median removals as early as next week. They plan to start west of Waukegan Road and work their way east. The lane closures have already been put in place to accommodate this work.

More detailed construction work and traffic conditions can be tracked at ; through Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project; or through Twitter at @willowroadcp. Please note that the actual start dates and activities may change due to weather, utility, permitting approvals, or other contractor conflicts.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Willow Road Construction Process


To help you follow the progress of the Willow Road redevelopment project, we want to explain in detail IDOT’s plan.  Construction will proceed in phases with the goals of maximizing efficiency and safety for pedestrians and motorists, alike. Throughout the two-year construction period, IDOT’s plan is to keep at least one lane of traffic open in each direction throughout the corridor.  The following is a brief overview of how IDOT plans to phase the improvements:

• Pre-Phase I – Preparation Work

This work is currently underway and includes relocating the underground and overhead utilities that are in conflict with the project; installing temporary traffic signals at each intersection; removing trees, medians or other conflicts along the corridor; installing erosion control measures and other fencing to protect the work zone and adjacent properties; and finally, installing a temporary lane/pavement on the south side of the roadway to allow one lane of traffic to remain open both east and west bound.   Once completed, Phase I work begins.

• Phase I – North Side Construction 

During this initial construction phase, temporary traffic controls and barricades will be installed to shift all of the traffic, both pedestrian and vehicular, to the south side of the corridor.   The contractor will then work on the north side of the project to install the utilities, curbs and gutter, storm water system, roadway and sidewalks.  Once completed, Phase II work begins.

• Phase II – South Side Construction 

During this next phase of work, the temporary traffic controls and barricades will be relocated and the traffic, both pedestrian and vehicular, will be shifted to the newly constructed north side of the corridor.   The contractor will then work on the south side of the project to install the utilities, curbs and gutter, storm water system, roadway and sidewalks.  Once completed, Phase III work begins.

• Phase III – Center Construction 

During this final phase of roadway work, the temporary traffic controls and barricades will be relocated, and the vehicular traffic will be shifted so that the westbound traffic is on the far north side of the corridor and the eastbound traffic is on the far south side of the corridor.   During this phase, the pedestrian sidewalks will be open on both sides of the street.   The contractor will then install the center medians and the curbs, gutter and roadway in the center portion of the corridor.  Once completed, Phase IV final restoration work begins.

• Phase IV – Restoration 

During this final phase of work, the contractor will complete the final grading; place new top soil and seed; install 569 new trees, 848 shrubs, and about 11,000 perennials in the parkway and medians; and complete all of the final finishes including the decorative bridge and lighting details in the Village Center.

This multi-phase process is expected to take about two years to complete.  The roadway and sidewalk work is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2014, and then the planting and restoration work will take place immediately following in the spring of 2015.  Regular updates will be available throughout the construction process.  To follow the progress and monitor traffic conditions please check in at or on Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project or Twitter @willowroadcp.

Friday, April 19, 2013

What's New for Willow Road

For April 22 to May 3, 2013

At the April 17, 2013 Willow Road coordination meeting IDOT and Lorig Construction provided their proposed construction schedule for the next two weeks. The work planned includes:

Weeks of April 22nd & 29th

  • Utility companies such as Com Ed, Comcast and NICOR will continue their work relocating utilities that are in conflict with the new roadway.
  • The general contractor, Lorig Construction will continue to install erosion control measures to ensure that silt and other debris is not washed away into adjacent properties or waterways; they will be installing the temporary traffic signals at the intersections, starting on the west end of the project at Waukegan and Willow; and will then start removing the existing landscape medians.

More detailed construction work and traffic conditions can be tracked at ; through Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project; or through Twitter at @willowroadcp.

Please note that the actual start dates and activities may change due to weather, utility, permitting approvals, or other contractor conflicts.   

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Willow Road Landscape Plans

As the first stage of the Willow Road redevelopment project begins, workers are preparing the landscape for construction.  Trees in conflict with the new roadway have been removed, while other trees, tagged with ribbon, will be protected.  An arborist will prune these trees to maximize their chances for surviving the construction process.

For the new Willow Road, IDOT, the Village of Northfield, Hitchcock Design Group and the Chicago Botanic Gardens developed an extensive landscape plan. In total, 569 new trees, 848 shrubs, and about 11,000 perennials will be installed.  Click here to see the final landscape plan.  The new plantings will provide for:

  • Enhanced gateway medians on the east and west ends of the project
  • Planted medians throughout the corridor
  • Perennial plantings in the medians and at enhanced intersections, and
  • Parkway trees on both sides of the whole roadway

Along with the new plantings the final plan provides for decorative lighting, brick sidewalks, and a decorative stone bridge in the Village Center area. 
To follow the progress of the work and monitor traffic conditions stay tuned to on Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project or Twitter @willowroadcp.   

Monday, April 8, 2013

Waukegan Road

Starting April 10th, additional lane closures will be put into effect on Waukegan Road (Route 43) between Three Lakes Drive and Westleigh Drive. Traffic delays are expected.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Whats New for Willow Road


For April 8 to April 19

At the April 3, 2013 Willow Road coordination meeting IDOT and Lorig Construction provided their proposed construction schedule for the next two weeks.The work planned includes:

Weeks of April 8th & 15t


  •  The tree subcontractor, Homer Tree, will continue to remove the remaining trees scheduled to be taken out and replaced with the project.
  •  Utility companies such as Com Ed, Comcast and NICOR will continue their work relocating utilities that are in conflict with the new roadway.
  • The general contractor, Lorig Construction will begin to install erosion control measures to ensure that silt and other debris is not washed away into adjacent properties or waterways; they will be installing the temporary traffic signals at the intersections; and will start removing the existing landscape medians.


More detailed construction work and traffic conditions can be tracked at ; through Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project; or through Twitter at @willowroadcp.

Please note that the actual start dates and activities may change due to weather, utility, permitting approvals, or other contractor conflicts.


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Lane Closures

Additional lane closures are planned for tomorrow, April 3rd, between Northfield Road and the Eden’s Expressway. The closures are to provide for tree and median removal. Traffic delays are expected.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

What’s New for Willow Road

What’s New for Willow Road
For March 25 to April 5

At this week’s Willow Road coordination meeting with IDOT, we got our first “look ahead” schedule for the start of construction. The general contractor, Lorig Construction, will provide construction updates each week, and we will post outlines of their anticipated activities so that you can better plan ahead. Please stay tuned.
The work planned for the next two weeks includes:

Week of March 25 - The tree subcontractor, Homer Tree, plans to begin removing the trees scheduled to be taken out and replaced on the project.  In addition, several of the utility companies will continue moving any of their facilities that conflict with the new roadway.

Week of March April 1 - Lorig Construction plans to begin to:

  • Install the erosion control measures to ensure that silt and other debris is not washed away into adjacent properties or waterways. 
  • Close single lanes in the four-lane sections to facilitate work in the medians
  •  Removal of some of the existing curbs and gutters along the corridor
  • Start grading and earth removal to allow for the installation of a temporary lane on the south side of the roadway
  • Install the new water main in the area just west of the river and
  • Install the temporary traffic signals. 

Utility relocation will also continue through this week.

Please note that the actual start dates may change due to weather, utility, or other contractor conflicts. 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Stay Informed about the Willow Road Redevelopment Project

Stay Informed about the Willow Road Redevelopment Project

The Village of Northfield has established a communication plan to help residents get regular updates on the construction of the new Willow Road.  The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) plans to start their redevelopment of Willow Road this spring.  With an estimated 30,000 cars traveling along this corridor a day, Village officials hope to make it easy for residents and commuters to stay informed and plan their daily activities. 

For live traffic updates, detailed maps of the project design, and up to date information on the construction activity follow the progress through the following:

Please note that the Twitter and Facebook accounts have been set up as a way to keep our citizens informed about the construction project.  They will not be monitored for feedback.  All inquiries on the project should be sent directly to IDOT at