Thursday, May 16, 2013

Whats New For Willow Road

What’s New for Willow Road?

For May 20 to May 31

At the May 15, 2013 Willow Road coordination meeting, IDOT and Lorig Construction provided their proposed construction schedule for the next two weeks.  The planned work includes:

  •  Nicor will continue work on the west end of the project, including a connection across the Sunset Ridge intersection. Nicor will confine its work within the roadway between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., and they will have flaggers to direct traffic. When this phase is complete, NICOR anticipates starting its relocation work on the south side of the right of way between Sunset Ridge Road and the river. 
  • Comcast and AT&T will continue to relocate their facilities to the new Com Ed poles installed along the right of way.  Once those relocations are complete, the old poles will be removed.
  • AT&T also plans to relocate its fiber facilities near the river.  When this work is complete, installation of the water main and construction of the retaining wall near the river will begin.  That work will require the temporary closure of Bristol Street and appropriate detours.
  •  City Lights will continue to install temporary traffic signals at the intersections.  They anticipate activating the temporary signals on the west end of the project by the end of May.   
  •  Lorig Construction will continue removing the existing medians along the corridor and then installing temporary pavement in these areas.  This work is started on the west end of the project. Lane closures for this phase are already in place.


More detailed construction work and traffic conditions can be tracked at ; through Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project; or through Twitter at @willowroadcp.   

Please note that the actual start dates and activities may change due to weather, utility issues, permitting approvals, or other contractor conflicts.