Friday, October 4, 2013

Utility Delays Continue on Willow Road

For October 4 to October 18

The entire project corridor is in Phase I operations but a series of utility conflicts continue to cause delays with the roadway work.    The following is an update on the conflicts and the work planned for the next two weeks:

Waukegan Road.  The contractor has started the permanent pavement operations along Waukegan Road.  That work is expected to continue until October 14th after which they will start the installation of the curb and gutters. 

Willow – west of Sunset Ridge.  The majority of the Phase I pavement work has been completed in this area.  The contractor will be working on the sidewalk and electrical installations.  Once the pavement work on Waukegan Road is complete, the contractor will switch to Phase II, west of Sunset Ridge Road. 

Willow – east of Sunset Ridge to the river.   The roadway work between Sunset Ridge Road and the bridge remains delayed due to an AT&T conflict at the bridge.  AT&T completed their cable work but discovered this week that the pipe that needs to be removed contains asbestos.  They are in the process of bidding out this removal with a specialized company and obtaining the necessary EPA permit.  Last week, the contractor started the installation of the storm sewer system west of Wagner road but that work has been temporarily halted due to a water main conflict.  The construction team is meeting today to develop the plan to reconstruct that main and work is expected to resume early next week.  Many of the new utilities are under the pavement, and therefore, these all have be resolved and installed before any paving work can take place.  

Willow – east of the river to the Eden’s Expressway.   In this segment of roadway, there is a gas main, that NICOR has not yet relocated, that is causing a delay in the roadway work.    IDOT is exploring various options to resolve this conflict, so that the roadway work can move ahead.  Until this conflict is resolved or an alternate plan approved, no work will take place along this segment of the project. 

The lane closures and traffic patterns for the work outlined above are already in place.

More detailed construction work and traffic conditions can be tracked at ; through Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project; or through Twitter at @willowroadcp.  


Please note that the actual start dates and activities may change due to weather or other conflicts.   #willowroadcp