For September 20 to October 4
The entire project corridor is in Phase I operations but a series of utility conflicts are causing delays with the roadway work. The following is an update on the conflicts and the work planned for the next two weeks:
Waukegan Road. A shallow water main was discovered in the construction area on Waukegan Road. After reviewing the options, it was determined that the main needed to be moved outside the pavement area and the project team has been working through the design and permitting to make that happen. In order for the roadway work to continue, the shallow main needed to be shut down. To ensure water service could be maintained to all areas of Northfield, the main could not be shut down until the new water main near the bridge on Willow was put back in service. That water main work was completed this week and the contractor is now able to continue their pavement operations along Waukegan Road. Over the next two weeks, they planning to finish the final grading and start the permanent pavement installation.
Willow – west of Sunset Ridge. The majority of the Phase I pavement work has been completed in this area. Over the next two weeks, the contractor will be working on embankment grading and the sidewalk installation. When the pavement work on Waukegan Road is complete, the contractor will start the Phase II operations on the south side of the right of way from Sunset Ridge Road west.
Willow – east of Sunset Ridge to the river. The roadway work between Sunset Ridge Road and the bridge is delayed due to an AT&T utility conflict at the bridge. The AT&T cable is in the way of the new sanitary main and storm sewer. These new utilities are under the pavement and have to be installed before any work can take place on the roadway itself. AT&T has indicated they will have their conflict resolved by the end of September. Once that is completed, Lorig Construction will be able to actively start working on the sanitary main, storm sewer and roadway along this segment.
Willow – east of the river to the Eden’s Expressway. In this segment of roadway, there is a gas main, that NICOR has not yet relocated, that is causing a delay in the roadway work. IDOT is exploring various options to resolve this conflict, so that the roadway work can again move ahead as quickly as possible. Until this conflict is resolved however, no work can take place along this segment of the project.
The lane closures and traffic patterns for the work outlined above are already in place.
More detailed construction work and traffic conditions can be tracked at ; through Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project; or through Twitter at @willowroadcp.
Please note that the actual start dates and activities may change due to weather or other conflicts. #willowroadcp