For November 1 to 13, 2013
We are pleased to report that many of the utility conflicts have been resolved and that the project work is proceeding at several different locations. Over the next two weeks, the contractor plans to be working on the following elements:
· Sunset Ridge Road to Waukegan Road – The Phase II operations are underway in this segment of the project. Upcoming work includes pavement removal, drainage installation, earthwork, subgrade placement and pavement installation.
· Sunset Ridge to Somerset/Old Willow – Installation of the drainage system along with the water and sewer utilities. Once these are in place, the grading and subgrade operations will commence. In a few weeks, IDOT anticipates having to close this intersection, for a short time, to build out the intersection improvements. During that time, there will be no access to or from Old Willow Road to Willow Road and traffic will be detoured to Wagner. However, access will be maintained to Somerset Lane. As additional details, on the detour route and timing, become available they will be posted.
· Somerset/Old Willow to Wagner – Installation of the drainage system.
· Wagner to Middlefork Bridge – AT&T’s contractor will be working to remove the asbestos and remediate the soil, west of the bridge. When completed, IDOT’s contractor will start the installation of the sanitary and drainage systems.
· Middlefork Bridge to Eden’s. The detour will remain in effect on the north side of the intersection at Old Willow Road to facilitate the installation of utilities and intersection improvements. The contractor will first install the sanitary and water mains and then begin the grading and subgrade operations.
The lane closures and traffic patterns for the work outlined above are already in place.
More detailed construction work and traffic conditions can be tracked at ; through Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project; or through Twitter at @willowroadcp.
Please note that the actual start dates and activities may change due to weather or other conflicts. #willowroadcp