For October 10 to October 18
A number of utility conflicts have resulted in construction delays along the corridor. The following is the latest information on when work in each area is expected to resume:
Willow & Churchill Area. On Thursday, October 10th, the contractor will be working on the water main near Churchill. The water will be shut off to homes on Churchill for several hours. Once this work is completed, the contractor will resume their work installing the large storm sewer in this area.
Willow – just west of the river. AT&T is fast tracking the bidding and permitting necessary to facilitate the removal of their asbestos pipe at the river. Once this pipe has been removed, and any necessary remediation completed, the contractor will resume their work installing the sanitary and storm sewer in this area. In addition, the week of the 14th, two water main connections are planned. This work will necessitate additional lane closures, with flaggers, and additional delays are anticipated. When the exact lane closure dates are known, a special notice will be posted.
Willow – just east of the river. IDOT has developed a plan to resolve the NICOR and storm sewer conflict in this area. As soon as they receive the final structural approval from the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRDGC ) the work will resume. The project also includes extensive utility work in the north leg of the Old Willow Road intersection. This will necessitate closing that leg of the intersection and detouring local traffic, to Wagner Road, for an estimated three week period. Access to all of the businesses in the area will be maintained from Willow Road. When the exact dates of the detour are known, a special notice will be posted.
Detailed construction work and traffic conditions can be tracked at ; through Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project; or through Twitter at @willowroadcp.
Please note that the actual start dates and activities may change due to weather or other conflicts. #willowroadcp