The Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways is planning to begin the Phase II construction work on Winnetka Avenue between Hibbard Road and the Edens Expressway. The following is an outline of the construction activities planned:
- Pre-construction Operations. On September 24th the contractor plans to begin their preconstruction work including saw cutting and site preparation work. No traffic impacts are anticipated.
- Concrete Operations. On September 28th the contractor plans to start the driveway and curb work. This phase includes removing driveways and curbing, forming and pouring the replacements, and then a cure period. Concrete work is anticipated to take about 10 working days and only minimal traffic impacts are anticipated.
- Pavement Operations. Once the concrete work is completed, the contractor will start the paving operations. This phase includes the grinding down the existing pavement; repairing and or replacing the subgrade, where needed; installation of the binder course; and then the installation of the final surface course. This work is anticipated to take about 10 days to complete and on the days when the road is being ground or pavement is being placed, flagging operations will be put in place. Traffic impacts are anticipated during flagging operations.
- Stripping and Landscape. Under the final phase, the contractor will restore the landscaped areas and strip the new pavement. No traffic impacts are anticipated.
Throughout construction the County and their contractor work to minimize disruptions. Winnetka Avenue will remain open to two way traffic at all times, but during certain operations as outlined above, it will be down to one lane with flagging operations in place. During flagging operation days, major delays are anticipated. The contractors will provide the public with advanced notice of all flagging operation days through their onsite message boards and special construction alerts. Motorists are encouraged to plan ahead, allow for additional time, or to take an alternative route.
Please note that the actual start dates and activities may change due to weather or other conflicts. Based on favorable weather conditions, the construction is scheduled to be completed by early November. More detailed construction work and traffic conditions can be tracked at ; through Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project; or through Twitter at @willowroadcp.