Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Willow Road Detours and Work Plan

April 1 – April 18, 2015

Northfield Detour.  The southern intersection of Willow Road and Northfield Road remains closed for the utility and final pavement installation.  The intersection is anticipated to be re-opened by April 18th.  Local traffic is being detoured east to Happ Road.  Click here to see the detour route:

Waukegan to Sunset Ridge Road.   The center median work, left turn lanes, and electrical, and landscaping work are all underway in this area.

Sunset Ridge to Wagner.   The roadway pavement was completed this week and the contractor will next be working on the curb and gutter, landscape restoration, and sidewalks.

Wagner to Bosworth.  Earthwork and subgrade operations will take place as weather permits.  The pavement installation will start immediately after that work is completed.  Pavement work could start as early as April 13th.  During these operations, access to Churchill, Dickens and Eaton will be restricted, at times, but Bristol and Wagner Road will remain open to local traffic.

River Bridge.  The parapet wall, pilasters and railing installation work is all underway. 

Bridge to Happ.  The utility installation is ongoing between the Bridge and Northfield Road.  In addition, the contractor will be working on the Northfield Road intersection pavement.

The detailed construction work and traffic conditions can be tracked at ; through Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project; or through Twitter at @willowroadcp.   


Actual start dates and activities may change due to weather or other conflicts.   #willowroadcp