May 16 to May 30, 2014
Over the next two weeks the following construction work is planned:
- From Chapel Hill Lane west, the project is in the Stage 2 configuration, on the south side of the right of way. The contractor will continue to remove pavement and unsuitable soil, install drainage, and then begin grading and subgrade operations.
- The contractor will also be starting the pavement installation on Waukegan Road north of Willow.
- From Chapel Hill to the river, the project is in the Stage 1 configuration, on the north side of the right of way. The contractor is completing the final grading work and then will start the pavement installation.
- At the bridge, the contractor will be working on the deck construction, reinforcement, and concrete deck pour.
- From the river east, the contractor will finish the drainage installation and start grading operations.
- On the Eden’s Expressway the contractor will continue to remove the existing shoulder and unsuitable materials and then install the drainage.
The traffic staging for this work is already in place and no substantial delays are anticipated. More detailed construction work and traffic conditions can be tracked at ; through Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project; or through Twitter at @willowroadcp.
Please note that the actual start dates and activities may change due to weather or other conflicts. #willowroadcp