December 22 – January 2, 2015
- Wagner Detour. The southern intersection of Willow Road and Wagner Road remains closed. Regional traffic is being detoured to Waukegan Road. The intersection is anticipated to be re-opened the week on December 23. The mainline pavement is expected to be installed this week followed by the curb, gutter and striping work next week. Click here for the detour map
- Chapel Hill to the Wagner. The final water main work is underway and will be followed by the installation of the subgrade and pavement.
- Wagner to Bridge. The contractor will be working on the removal of the existing storm sewer lines and the installation of the water main and sanitary sewer laterals.
- River Bridge. The sleeper slab and parapet wall are scheduled to be poured the week of December 22.
- Edens Bridge to Linder. The bridge parapet wall and the sidewalk east of the Edens will be poured as weather permits.
The detailed construction work and traffic conditions can be tracked at ; through Facebook at Willow Road Construction Project; or through Twitter at @willowroadcp. As always, actual start dates and activities may change due to weather or other conflicts. #willowroadcp